The current competitive corporate scenario does not allow companies the luxury of their employees performing poorly or being absent due to sickness and health issues caused by poor lifestyles. To avoid such situations, corporates are now following the trend of wellness at workplace and offering corporate health checkups in the form of preventive healthcare packages to
employees and conducting various educative sessions to maintain good health.
Steps which organizations can follow to ensure good health of employees:
Employee Assistance Programs:
It can help to address social and emotional factors that impact employees’ wellbeing. These programs are usually organized by Human Resources (HR) department. -
Routine Preventive Healthcare Services:
It includes screenings, immunizations and a personalized preventive health checkup plan for early detection of diseases. This is also organized by HR in association with a preventive health checkup provider. -
Stress Buster Activities:
Stress is the major problem which affects employees’ wellbeing and leads to consumption of tobacco, alcohol and many lifestyle disorders. While the corporates cannot do much to change the employee’s personal lives, it has been seen that effective changes to their professional lives can make a significant difference. Managers and team leads should be encouraged to set aside specific times for team outings and team building sessions, activity sessions like Zumba or Yoga, motivational sessions, etc. to help employees unwind and relax.
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Healthy Habits:
Employees often binge on junk food and resort on aerated drinks to satiate their hunger and cravings. For a better employee wellness, employers can urge their employees to replace these unhealthy foods with healthy bites such as sprouts, salads, fresh fruits and juices which they can avail from cafeteria or tuck shops at the office. -
Positive Work Environment:
A positive work environment definitely works wonder where employees can work out a perfect balance between personal and professional life. Employee grievance redressal forums, HR weekly roundups, etc. are arranged in companies to encourage employees to voice out their concerns and de-stress; so that it eventually improves productivity and quality of work and life. -
Wellness Counselling:
Corporates can also offer wellness centre services to employees where they can seek opinion about their health issues. Proper counselling and coaching by doctors, medical counsellors, etc. can be provided to alleviate work-related stress. -
Consumer Medical Decision Support:
It is a program that offers employees in-depth, personalized and correct information on all of their medical conditions. Help and information can be disbursed to employees via the office intranet, phone support and print-based materials. -
Corporate Wellness Program Integration:
Combining the various components of wellness programs, this takes into consideration an employee’s mental, physical and social needs and is unified and coherent. It is recommended to be integrated with other benefits and related programs to offer the best possible health solution to a company’s employees. For example, a wellness program can encompass two or more options such as nutrition and physical fitness or quit smoking program and nutrition etc.
Other than corporate health checkup, many corporates are also opting for pre-employment health checkup programs during or after employees joining to certify that the selected applicant is healthy and medically fit to work.
In today’s demanding and competitive scenario, health and wellness of an individual is imperative to sustain and live worry-free. For an employer, it becomes all the more important to keep their employee’s health in check.
With a reputed list of clientele like Cadbury, Eaton, General Motors, Nivea, Corning, UAE Exchange, Ricoh to name a few – Indus Health Plus is India’s pioneer preventive health checkups provider. As an employer, you can select from a wide range of customized and comprehensive corporate health checkup packages. Fill the query form and our team will get back to you.